Protect children from abuse

The intentional viewing or possession of sexually explicit imagery of anyone under 18 is illegal.

Report online

If you encounter child sexual abuse images or material online, report it to

Your report will lead to the removal of child sexual abuse material from the web and could help rescue a child victim from further abuse.

Additional Resources

Notify the police if you think a child is at immediate risk

If you believe a child is at risk of being abused, call 112 or 999.

Helplines to support victims of child sexual abuse

If you or someone you know is a victim of minor / child sexual abuse and needs help, check out the resources available on the Childline website or call their helpline at 1-800-666-666.

Seek help if you are concerned about your own behaviour

Seeking sexually explicit images of children can have grave consequences. If you are concerned about your online viewing of sexual images of children or if you have not looked at them but have an urge to do so, you can access anonymous, confidential and effective help from Stop it Now Ireland by calling 0044 1372 847 161.

How Google works with child protection organisations

Learn more about how Google works with child protection organisations to find, remove, and report illegal imagery to the relevant authorities to help stop children from being further harmed by their imagery being shared.